Creating an Ergonomic Work Station

February 25, 2014

Having to sit for eight-plus hours a day certainly has an adverse effect on the health of many adults; half of all working adults report having back pain. A simple way for working adults to alleviate their back pain is to create an ergonomic workstation: a workspace that is scientifically designed so that the people and things interact at optimal efficiency and safety.  Follow these 7 tips to create a workstation that eliminates back and neck pain:

Chair Position: Adjust the height of your chair so that your feet rest comfortably on the floor/footrest and your knees are about level with your hips. If your chair doesn’t offer lumbar support, place a cushion between the curve in your lower back and the back of the chair.

Frequently Used Items: Position the items you frequently use, like your telephone and stapler, close enough so that you don’t have to reach for them. Stand up to reach anything that can’t be comfortably reached while sitting.

Mouse Position: Place your mouse within easy reach. Make sure your wrist is in a natural and comfortable position when you’re using your mouse.

Wrist Positioning: When you’re typing, keep your wrists in a straight, natural position: not bent up, down or to either side. During typing breaks, rest the palms of your hands, not your wrists.

Headset: If you frequently talk on the phone while typing, use a headset rather than cradling the phone between your head and neck.

Desk Dimensions: If you are able to pick your own desk, pick one that is at least 19 inches deep, 30 inches wide and, depending on your height, up to 34 inches high. Under the desk, make sure there’s clearance for your legs, knees and thighs. Don’t use space under the desk for storage.

Monitor Height: Place the monitor directly in front of you, about an arm’s length – generally 18 to 28 inches. The top of the screen should be slightly below eye level. If glare from fluorescent lighting or sunlight is a problem, turn off some of the overhead lights or close the window shades.

The end goal of all these tips is to align your body in the most natural position possible.  If you are interested in having 360 Chiropractic do a Myovision Scan to test the tension level in the necks of you and everyone in your office, visit our website or give us a call  (320) 257-0360. It’s a fun, free, and informative way to see if your workstation is hurting your health.